Modeling the demand and supply in a new B2B-upstream market

دسته بندي : عمومی » گوناگون


Business-to-Business (B2B) services companies invest heavily in acquiring very expensive assets that they hire out to serve their clients (e.g. UPS buys huge warehouses and hires them out to companies), and hence they engage in careful longterm planning and forecasting, especially when it concerns a new market. It is interesting to note that the client-firms, on the other hand, decide to hire those assets based mostly on the prevailing short-term market forces. Hence, it is important for the

companies which provide the assets for hire to also build the prevailing short-term market trends into their long-term forecasting and planning. In this paper, we develop a model for tracking these two simultaneously evolving and interacting patterns, namely the asset-availability (i.e. supply) and utilization (i.e. demand) patterns, in order to better understand the underlying processes, and thereby provide a basis for better forecasting. We test our models using three sets of data collected from the oil drilling industry, and find the proposed model to provide a good fit and forecasting efficiency.


Keywords:      Marketing; B2B service; Knowledge updating; Demand and supply; Oil drilling

Author(s):      Trichy V. Krishnana, Shanfei Fengb, , Tony Beebec

Source:           International Journal of Forecasting 27 (2011) 11601177

Subject          مدیریت بازاریابی          :

Category     مقاله مجله       :

Release Date: 2011

دسته بندی: عمومی » گوناگون

تعداد مشاهده: 27410 مشاهده

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تعداد صفحات: 18

حجم فایل:363 کیلوبایت

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    International Journal of Forecasting 27 (2011) 1160–1177